LibSakura  5.2
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
sakura.h File Reference

Sakura main header file. More...

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libsakura/config.h>

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struct  sakura_StatisticsResultFloat
 A structure in which the result of sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat and sakura_ComputeAccurateStatisticsFloat is stored. More...


#define LIBSAKURA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT   /* Don't ignore result value */
#define LIBSAKURA_NOEXCEPT   /* noexcept */


typedef void *(* sakura_UserAllocator) (size_t size)
 A type of the allocator function used by Sakura Library. More...
typedef void(* sakura_UserDeallocator) (void *pointer)
 A type of the deallocator function used by Sakura Library. More...


enum  sakura_Status {
  sakura_Status_kOK = 0 , sakura_Status_kNG = 1 , sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument = 2 , sakura_Status_kNoMemory = 3 ,
  sakura_Status_kUnknownError = 99
 A result of function call. More...
enum  sakura_InterpolationMethod {
  sakura_InterpolationMethod_kNearest , sakura_InterpolationMethod_kLinear , sakura_InterpolationMethod_kPolynomial , sakura_InterpolationMethod_kSpline ,
 Enumerations to define interpolation types. More...
enum  sakura_LSQFitStatus { sakura_LSQFitStatus_kOK = 0 , sakura_LSQFitStatus_kNG = 1 , sakura_LSQFitStatus_kNotEnoughData = 2 , sakura_LSQFitStatus_kNumElements }
 Enumerations to define least-square fitting specific error code. More...
enum  sakura_LSQFitType { sakura_LSQFitType_kPolynomial , sakura_LSQFitType_kChebyshev , sakura_LSQFitType_kNumElements }
 Enumerations to define type of least-square fitting models. More...


sakura_Status sakura_Initialize (sakura_UserAllocator allocator, sakura_UserDeallocator deallocator)
 Initializes Sakura Library. More...
void sakura_CleanUp ()
 Cleans up Sakura Library. More...
bool sakura_IsAligned (void const *ptr)
 Checks if ptr points the aligned address Sakura Library requires. More...
size_t sakura_GetAlignment ()
 Returns an alignment that Sakura Library expects for arrays on which vector operations are performed. More...
void * sakura_AlignAny (size_t size_of_arena, void *arena, size_t size_required)
 Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset. More...
float * sakura_AlignFloat (size_t elements_in_arena, float *arena, size_t elements_required)
 Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset. More...
double * sakura_AlignDouble (size_t elements_in_arena, double *arena, size_t elements_required)
 Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset. More...
sakura_Status sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], bool const is_valid[], sakura_StatisticsResultFloat *result)
 Computes statistics. More...
sakura_Status sakura_ComputeAccurateStatisticsFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], bool const is_valid[], sakura_StatisticsResultFloat *result)
 Computes statistics. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SortValidValuesDenselyFloat (size_t num_data, bool const is_valid[], float data[], size_t *new_num_data)
 Sorts only valid data in ascending order. More...
sakura_Status sakura_ComputeMedianAbsoluteDeviationFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], float new_data[])
 Computes median absolute deviation. More...
sakura_Status sakura_GridConvolvingFloat (size_t num_spectra, size_t start_spectrum, size_t end_spectrum, bool const spectrum_mask[], double const x[], double const y[], size_t support, size_t sampling, size_t num_polarizations, uint32_t const polarization_map[], size_t num_channels, uint32_t const channel_map[], bool const mask[], float const value[], float const weight[], bool weight_only, size_t num_convolution_table, float const convolution_table[], size_t num_polarizations_for_grid, size_t num_channels_for_grid, size_t width, size_t height, double weight_sum[], float weight_of_grid[], float grid[])
 Grids data with convolution. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], size_t num_condition, float const lower_bounds[], float const upper_bounds[], bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (inclusive). More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], size_t num_condition, int const lower_bounds[], int const upper_bounds[], bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (inclusive). More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], size_t num_condition, float const lower_bounds[], float const upper_bounds[], bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (exclusive). More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], size_t num_condition, int const lower_bounds[], int const upper_bounds[], bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (exclusive). More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], float threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], int threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], float threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than or equal to a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], int threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than or equal to a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], float threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], int threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], float threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than or equal to a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsInt (size_t num_data, int const data[], int threshold, bool result[])
 Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than or equal to a threshold. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SetFalseIfNanOrInfFloat (size_t num_data, float const data[], bool result[])
 Sets false if the values in the input array (data ) are either NaN or infinity. More...
sakura_Status sakura_Uint8ToBool (size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool result[])
 Convert an input array to a boolean array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_Uint32ToBool (size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool result[])
 Convert an input array to a boolean array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_InvertBool (size_t num_data, bool const data[], bool result[])
 Invert a boolean array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint8 (uint8_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation AND between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint32 (uint32_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation AND between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint8 (uint8_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation, Converse Nonimplication, between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint32 (uint32_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation, Converse Nonimplication, between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint8 (uint8_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation, Material Implication, between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint32 (uint32_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation, Material Implication, between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint8 (size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bitwise NOT operation of an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint32 (size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bitwise NOT operation of an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint8 (uint8_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation OR between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint32 (uint32_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation OR between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint8 (uint8_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint8_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint8_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation XOR between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint32 (uint32_t bit_mask, size_t num_data, uint32_t const data[], bool const edit_mask[], uint32_t result[])
 Invoke bit operation XOR between a bit mask and an array. More...
sakura_Status sakura_InterpolateXAxisFloat (sakura_InterpolationMethod interpolation_method, uint8_t polynomial_order, size_t num_base, double const base_position[], size_t num_array, float const base_data[], bool const base_mask[], size_t num_interpolated, double const interpolated_position[], float interpolated_data[], bool interpolated_mask[])
 Perform one-dimensional interpolation. More...
sakura_Status sakura_InterpolateYAxisFloat (sakura_InterpolationMethod interpolation_method, uint8_t polynomial_order, size_t num_base, double const base_position[], size_t num_array, float const base_data[], bool const base_mask[], size_t num_interpolated, double const interpolated_position[], float interpolated_data[], bool interpolated_mask[])
 Perform one-dimensional interpolation. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CalibrateDataWithArrayScalingFloat (size_t num_data, float const scaling_factor[], float const data[], float const reference[], float result[])
 Normalize data against reference value with scaling factor. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CalibrateDataWithConstScalingFloat (float scaling_factor, size_t num_data, float const data[], float const reference[], float result[])
 Normalize data against reference value with scaling factor. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateGaussianKernelFloat (float peak_location, float kernel_width, size_t num_kernel, float kernel[])
 Create Gaussian kernel. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat (size_t num_kernel, float const kernel[], struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat **context)
 Create context for convolution using Fourier transformation. More...
sakura_Status sakura_Convolve1DFloat (size_t num_kernel, float const kernel[], size_t num_data, float const input_data[], bool const input_mask[], float output_data[], float output_weight[])
 Convolution is performed. More...
sakura_Status sakura_Convolve1DFFTFloat (struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat const *context, size_t num_data, float const input_data[], float output_data[])
 Convolution is performed using Fourier transformation. More...
sakura_Status sakura_DestroyConvolve1DContextFloat (struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat *context)
 Destroy context for convolution. More...
sakura_Status sakura_GetLSQCoefficientsDouble (size_t const num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], size_t const num_model_bases, double const basis_data[], size_t const num_lsq_bases, size_t const use_bases_idx[], double lsq_matrix[], double lsq_vector[])
 Compute coefficients of simultaneous equations used for Least-Square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_UpdateLSQCoefficientsDouble (size_t const num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], size_t const num_exclude_indices, size_t const exclude_indices[], size_t const num_model_bases, double const basis_data[], size_t const num_lsq_bases, size_t const use_bases_idx[], double lsq_matrix[], double lsq_vector[])
 Compute coefficients of simultaneous equations used for Least-Square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SolveSimultaneousEquationsByLUDouble (size_t num_equations, double const in_matrix[], double const in_vector[], double out[])
 Solve simultaneous equations via LU decomposition. More...
sakura_Status sakura_LMFitGaussianFloat (size_t const num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], size_t const num_peaks, double height[], double err_height[], double center[], double err_center[], double sigma[], double err_sigma[])
 Fit Gaussian to the input data using Levenberg-Marquardt method. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat (sakura_LSQFitType const lsqfit_type, uint16_t order, size_t num_data, struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **context)
 Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat (uint16_t npiece, size_t num_data, struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **context)
 Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat (uint16_t nwave, size_t num_data, struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **context)
 Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat *context)
 Destroy an object containing model data for least-square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, uint16_t order, size_t num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], float clip_threshold_sigma, uint16_t num_fitting_max, size_t num_coeff, double coeff[], float best_fit[], float residual[], bool final_mask[], float *rms, sakura_LSQFitStatus *lsqfit_status)
 Fit a polynomial curve to input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, size_t num_pieces, size_t num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], float clip_threshold_sigma, uint16_t num_fitting_max, double coeff[][4], float best_fit[], float residual[], bool final_mask[], float *rms, size_t boundary[], sakura_LSQFitStatus *lsqfit_status)
 Fit a cubic spline curve to input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, size_t num_nwave, size_t const nwave[], size_t num_data, float const data[], bool const mask[], float clip_threshold_sigma, uint16_t num_fitting_max, size_t num_coeff, double coeff[], float best_fit[], float residual[], bool final_mask[], float *rms, sakura_LSQFitStatus *lsqfit_status)
 Fit a sinusoidal curve to input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, size_t num_data, float const data[], size_t num_coeff, double const coeff[], float out[])
 Subtract best-fit polynomial model from input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, size_t num_data, float const data[], size_t num_pieces, double const coeff[][4], size_t const boundary[], float out[])
 Subtract best-fit cubic spline model from input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_SubtractSinusoidFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, size_t num_data, float const data[], size_t num_nwave, size_t const nwave[], size_t num_coeff, double const coeff[], float out[])
 Subtract best-fit sinusoidal model from input data. More...
sakura_Status sakura_GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat (struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *context, uint16_t order, size_t *num_coeff)
 Return the number of basis functions used for least-square fitting. More...
sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayFloat (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], float const src[], float dst[])
 Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with flipping elements to reorder as some FFT library expects. More...
sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayFloat (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], float const src[], float dst[])
 Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with unflipping elements to the original order. More...
sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayDouble (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], double const src[], double dst[])
 Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with flipping elements to reorder as some FFT library expects. More...
sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayDouble (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], double const src[], double dst[])
 Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with unflipping elements to the original order. More...
sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayDouble2 (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], double const src[][2], double dst[][2])
 Same as sakura_FlipArrayFloat except the element type of the multidimensional arrays. More...
sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayDouble2 (bool inner_most_untouched, size_t dims, size_t const elements[], double const src[][2], double dst[][2])
 Same as sakura_UnflipArrayFloat except the element type of the multidimensional arrays. More...
sakura_Status sakura_CreateMaskNearEdgeDouble (float fraction, double pixel_size, size_t num_data, double const x[], double const y[], double const *blc_x, double const *blc_y, double const *trc_x, double const *trc_y, bool mask[])
 Create mask. More...

Detailed Description

Sakura main header file.


Created on: 2013/02/20 Author: kohji

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LIBSAKURA_NOEXCEPT   /* noexcept */


#define LIBSAKURA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT   /* Don't ignore result value */

Typedef Documentation

◆ sakura_UserAllocator

typedef void*(* sakura_UserAllocator) (size_t size)

A type of the allocator function used by Sakura Library.

Implementation of the function of this type must be reentrant.

It must return a valid pointer to a memory region of size 0 if 0 is passed as size parameter.
[in]sizeSize of required memory in bytes
Allocated memory. NULL if failed to allocate.


◆ sakura_UserDeallocator

typedef void(* sakura_UserDeallocator) (void *pointer)

A type of the deallocator function used by Sakura Library.

Implementation of the function of this type must be reentrant.

It must do nothing if NULL is passed as pointer parameter.
[in]pointerNULL or an address to be released which was allocated by the allocator of type sakura_UserAllocator .


Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sakura_InterpolationMethod

Enumerations to define interpolation types.


Nearest interpolation.


Linear interpolation.


Polynomial interpolation.


Spline interpolation (Natural cubic spline)


Number of interpolation methods implemented.

◆ sakura_LSQFitStatus

Enumerations to define least-square fitting specific error code.






Not enough data for least-square fitting.


Number of error codes implemented.

◆ sakura_LSQFitType

Enumerations to define type of least-square fitting models.




Chebyshev Polynomial.


Number of fitting models.

◆ sakura_Status

A result of function call.


Success or normal end.


Failure or abnormal end.


Illegal argument(s)

This includes a violation of the must-be-aligned constraint.


No memory.


Unknown error.

Function Documentation

◆ sakura_AlignAny()

void* sakura_AlignAny ( size_t  size_of_arena,
void *  arena,
size_t  size_required 

Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset.

It returns arena if arena is already aligned.

[in]size_of_arenaSize of the memory region pointed by arena
[in]arenaStart address of a memory region
[in]size_requiredRequired size after alignment
Aligned address if at least size_required bytes are available in arena after alignment, otherwise NULL.


◆ sakura_AlignDouble()

double* sakura_AlignDouble ( size_t  elements_in_arena,
double *  arena,
size_t  elements_required 

Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset.

It returns arena if arena is already aligned.

[in]elements_in_arenaThe number of elements in arena , not a size in bytes.
[in]arenaStart address of an array
[in]elements_requiredRequired number of elements after alignment
Aligned address if at least elements_required are available in arena after alignment, otherwise NULL.


◆ sakura_AlignFloat()

float* sakura_AlignFloat ( size_t  elements_in_arena,
float *  arena,
size_t  elements_required 

Returns an aligned address close to arena by adding 0 or minimum offset.

It returns arena if arena is already aligned.

[in]elements_in_arenaThe number of elements in arena , not a size in bytes.
[in]arenaStart address of an array
[in]elements_requiredRequired number of elements after alignment
Aligned address if at least elements_required are available in arena after alignment, otherwise NULL.


◆ sakura_CalibrateDataWithArrayScalingFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CalibrateDataWithArrayScalingFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  scaling_factor[],
float const  data[],
float const  reference[],
float  result[] 

Normalize data against reference value with scaling factor.

Normalize the data against reference value with scaling factor. The function normalizes the data by the assumption that the value in reference is normalized to scaling_factor. Specifically, it will calculate,

result = scaling_factor * (data - reference) / reference 

The function returns result status. For successful run, return value will be sakura_Status_kOK . On the other hand, it will return sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument if any invalid values are passed to arguments.

The function allows in-place calculation, i.e., result array can be either data or reference. In this case, data or reference will be overwritten.

Only difference from sakura_CalibrateDataWithConstScalingFloat is whether scaling_factor is array or scalar. Note that, due to this difference, order of the arguments is slightly different between the two.

[in]num_dataNumber of data
[in]scaling_factorScaling factor. This is an array and number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
[in]dataData to be normalized. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
[in]referenceReference data. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
[out]resultResulting normalized data. One can give same array with either data or reference for in-place calculation. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
Status code.


◆ sakura_CalibrateDataWithConstScalingFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CalibrateDataWithConstScalingFloat ( float  scaling_factor,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float const  reference[],
float  result[] 

Normalize data against reference value with scaling factor.

Normalize the data against reference value with scaling factor. The function normalizes the data by the assumption that the value in reference is normalized to scaling_factor. Specifically, it will calculate,

result = scaling_factor * (data - reference) / reference 

The function returns result status. For successful run, return value will be sakura_Status_kOK . On the other hand, it will return sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument if any invalid values are passed to arguments.

The function allows in-place calculation, i.e., result array can be either data or reference. In this case, data or reference will be overwritten.

See sakura_CalibrateDataWithArrayScalingFloat about the difference between those two similar functions.

[in]scaling_factorScaling factor. This is a scalar.
[in]num_dataNumber of data
[in]dataData to be normalized. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
[in]referenceReference data. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
[out]resultResulting normalized data. One can give same array with either data or reference for in-place calculation. Number of elements must be num_data. must-be-aligned
Status code.


◆ sakura_CleanUp()

void sakura_CleanUp ( )

Cleans up Sakura Library.

When you call this function, no function of Sakura Library must be running.


◆ sakura_ComputeAccurateStatisticsFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_ComputeAccurateStatisticsFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  is_valid[],
sakura_StatisticsResultFloat result 

Computes statistics.

Refer to sakura_StatisticsResultFloat to see what kind of statistics are computed.

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and is_valid . num_data <= INT32_MAX
[in]dataData. If corresponding element in is_valid is true, the element in data must not be Inf nor NaN.
[in]is_validMasks of data. If a value of element is false, the corresponding element in data is ignored.
[out]resultAn address where the result should be stored. Some fields may be set to NaN if it is impossible to figure out. If there is more than one occurrences of min or max value, it is undefined which index of the occurrences is selected for index_of_min or index_of_max.
Status code


The result of this function is more accurate than that of sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat if num_data is large. This function is slower than sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat .

◆ sakura_ComputeMedianAbsoluteDeviationFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_ComputeMedianAbsoluteDeviationFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float  new_data[] 

Computes median absolute deviation.

This function applies abs(data[i] - median) for each element in data and stores results to new_data. Then it sorts new_data in ascending order. data must be sorted in advance using e.g. sakura_SortValidValuesDenselyFloat . The median is a center value if num_data is odd. Otherwise, the median is an average of two center values. The caller is responsible to take a median value from new_data as a median absolute deviation as below.

mad = (new_data[num_data/2] + new_data[num_data/2 - num_data%2]) / 2 if num_data > 0

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and new_data .
[in]dataEach value in data must not be Inf nor NaN. data must be sorted.
[out]new_dataAn array where the results are stored. new_data may points data.
Status code


◆ sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_ComputeStatisticsFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  is_valid[],
sakura_StatisticsResultFloat result 

Computes statistics.

Refer to sakura_StatisticsResultFloat to see what kind of statistics are computed.

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and is_valid . num_data <= INT32_MAX
[in]dataData. If corresponding element in is_valid is true, the element in data must not be Inf nor NaN.
[in]is_validMasks of data. If a value of element is false, the corresponding element in data is ignored.
[out]resultAn address where the result should be stored. Some fields may be set to NaN if it is impossible to figure out. If there is more than one occurrences of min or max value, it is undefined which index of the occurrences is selected for index_of_min or index_of_max.
Status code


◆ sakura_Convolve1DFFTFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_Convolve1DFFTFloat ( struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_data,
float const  input_data[],
float  output_data[] 

Convolution is performed using Fourier transformation.

Convolution operation is performed using Fourier transformation of data and kernel arrays. The kernel is stored in a context in an internal format. The operation is carried out for all elements of data.

[in]contextThe context created by sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in input_data and output_data. num_data must be equal to num_kernel in context . 0 < num_data <= INT_MAX
[in]input_dataInput data. All elements in input_data must not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]output_dataOutput data. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (input_data == output_data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code.


(But see sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat for detail about the thread-safety)

◆ sakura_Convolve1DFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_Convolve1DFloat ( size_t  num_kernel,
float const  kernel[],
size_t  num_data,
float const  input_data[],
bool const  input_mask[],
float  output_data[],
float  output_weight[] 

Convolution is performed.

Convolution operation is performed by shifting a kernel over the input data. The operation is carried out only for elements of data whose mask values are true.

[in]num_kernelThe number of elements in the kernel. num_kernel must be positive. 0 < num_kernel <= INT_MAX
[in]kernelConvolution kernel. All elements in kernel must not be Inf nor NaN.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in input_data, input_mask, output_data, and output_weight. 0 < num_data <= INT_MAX
[in]input_dataInput data. If corresponding element in input_mask is true, the element in input_data must not be Inf nor NaN.
[in]input_maskMask of input data. input_data is used in operation if corresponding element of input_mask is true. If not, the corresponding elements in input_data is ignored.
[out]output_dataOutput data.
[out]output_weightTotal weight of kernel summed up to corresponding elements of output_data in the convolution operation.
Status code.
The function does not define mask of convolved data, output_data . User is responsible for defining it if necessary. Instead, the function gives output_weight to support user define mask after convolution.
In general, weight value is expected to be smaller if some of elements, that are supposed to contribute in convolution, are ignored due to input_mask being false. Therefore values of output_weight can be used as an indicator of degree of mask affecting the corresponding elements in output_data.
Note, however, elements near the edge of array also have small weights because of boundary effect.


◆ sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat ( size_t  num_kernel,
float const  kernel[],
struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat **  context 

Create context for convolution using Fourier transformation.

[in]num_kernelThe number of elements in the kernel. num_kernel must be positive. 0 < num_kernel <= INT_MAX
[in]kernelConvolution kernel. All elements in kernel must not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]contextContext for convolution. The context can be shared between threads. It has to be destroyed by sakura_DestroyConvolve1DContextFloat after use by sakura_Convolve1DFFTFloat . Note also that null pointer will be set to *context in case this function fails.
Status code.


◆ sakura_CreateGaussianKernelFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateGaussianKernelFloat ( float  peak_location,
float  kernel_width,
size_t  num_kernel,
float  kernel[] 

Create Gaussian kernel.

Create 1 dimensional Gaussian kernel according to a peak location and FWHM given by peak_location and kernel_width.

The value of the kernel for i-th element is calculated by integrating Gaussian from i-1/2 to i+1/2. Since definite integral of Gaussian doesn't have analytic form, this function is implemented using error function. Resulting kernel is normalized so that its sum to be 1.0. Actual formula for kernel is as follows.

s = kernel_width / sqrt(log(16))
l = (i - 1/2 - peak_location) / s
r = (i + 1/2 - peak_location) / s
kernel[i] = 1/2 * {erf(r) - erf(l)}

where sqrt and log are mathematical functions of square root and logarithm to natural base. The function erf is an error function. The variable s corresponds to sqrt(2) times standard deviation of the Gaussian. The above calculation is implemented using std::erf. See the link below for details about std::erf:

[in]peak_locationthe peak location of Gaussian
[in]kernel_widthFWHM (Full Width of Half Maximum) of Gaussian. kernel_width must be greater than 0.
[in]num_kernelThe number of elements in the kernel
[out]kernelOutput kernel array
Status code.

◆ sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat ( uint16_t  npiece,
size_t  num_data,
struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **  context 

Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting.

A lsqfit context object can not be shared between threads, as it contains working areas exclusive for a specific thread.
[in]npieceNumber of spline pieces. It must be a positive value.
[in]num_dataNumber of data to fit. It must be equal to or larger than the number of model bases ( npiece+3 ), thus the smallest allowed value of num_data is 4. Note also that ( npiece+3 ) * num_data must not exceed SIZE_MAX.
[out]contextPointer to pointer to an object containing model data. When no longer used, the object must be destroyed by sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat . Note also that null pointer will be set to *context in case this function fails.
Status code.


◆ sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat ( sakura_LSQFitType const  lsqfit_type,
uint16_t  order,
size_t  num_data,
struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **  context 

Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting.

A lsqfit context object can not be shared between threads, as it contains working areas exclusive for a specific thread.
[in]lsqfit_typeType of basis function. It should be either of sakura_LSQFitType_kPolynomial or sakura_LSQFitType_kChebyshev .
[in]orderPolynomial order. It must be positive or zero.
[in]num_dataNumber of data to fit. It must be equal to or larger than the number of model bases, which is ( order+1 ), thus the smallest allowed value of num_data is 1. Note also that ( order+1 ) * num_data must not exceed SIZE_MAX.
[out]contextPointer to pointer to an object containing model data. When no longer used, the object must be destroyed by sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat . Note also that null pointer will be set to *context in case this function fails.
Status code.


◆ sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat ( uint16_t  nwave,
size_t  num_data,
struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat **  context 

Create an object containing model data for least-square fitting.

A lsqfit context object can not be shared between threads, as it contains working areas exclusive for a specific thread.
[in]nwaveMaximum wave number of sinusoids. It must be positive or zero.
[in]num_dataNumber of data to fit. It must be equal to or larger than the number of model bases plus one, which is ( nwave*2+2 ), thus the smallest allowed value of num_data is 2. Note also that ( nwave*2+2 ) * num_data must not exceed SIZE_MAX.
[out]contextPointer to pointer to an object containing model data. When no longer used, the object must be destroyed by sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat . Note also that null pointer will be set to *context in case this function fails.
Status code.


◆ sakura_CreateMaskNearEdgeDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_CreateMaskNearEdgeDouble ( float  fraction,
double  pixel_size,
size_t  num_data,
double const  x[],
double const  y[],
double const *  blc_x,
double const *  blc_y,
double const *  trc_x,
double const *  trc_y,
bool  mask[] 

Create mask.

Based on two dimensional position distribution given by x and y, CreateMaskNearEdgeDouble creates mask for each data point. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Conversion stage
    Position distribution given by x and y are converted to pixel coordinate. User is able to specify pixel size via pixel_size. If pixel_size is zero, it is set to a half of median separation between neighboring two positions. If num_data is odd, there are several choices for median separation since there are number of separation between two positions are even. In such case, the median separation is evaluated as
    median_separation = sorted_separation[(num_data - 1) / 2];
    It is recommended to set pixel_size to zero. Please consider to set nonzero value only if zero pixel_size doesn't work on your data. Number of pixels along horizontal and vertical axes is determined by
    (ceil(wx / pixel_size), ceil(wy / pixel_size))
    where wx and wy are evaluated from blc_x, blc_y, trc_x, and trc_y if they are all non-NULL. The formula is
    wx = (*trc_x - *blc_x) * 1.1
    wy = (*trc_y - *blc_y) * 1.1
    Otherwise, they are calculated by
    wx = (max(x) - min(x)) * 1.1
    wy = (max(y) - min(y)) * 1.1
  2. Count stage
    Count up data points in each pixel.
  3. Binalization stage
    Binarize pixel data. Pixel value is set to one if it has non-zero value. Zero remains zero.
  4. Fill stage
    Fill zero pixels bracketed by one with one. It is repeated until there is no update on pixel values.
  5. Detection stage
    Find the area that has non-zero value, detect edge of the area, and mask data points that belong to edges, i.e., mask for data in the edge are set to true. The process is repeated until number of masked position exceeds the threshold given by num_data times fraction.
Note that threshold for the detection stage will become 0 if num_data times fraction is less than 1. No data will be masked in that case.
Note also that x and y are intended to represent any trajectory in the two-dimensional plane (e.g., regularly sampled two-dimensional position data of a certain object). Thus, orders of x and y are important.
[in]fractionFraction of the data to be masked. Threshold for mask operation is evaluated by fraction times num_data. 0 <= fraction <= 1.
[in]pixel_sizeSize of the pixel. If it is zero, pixel size is set to a half of median of the distance between neighboring two positions that are provided by x and y. pixel_size must be greater than or equal to 0. Setting 0 works most of the cases.
[in]num_dataNumber of data.
[in]xList of horizontal positions. The length must be num_data.
[in]yList of vertical positions. The length must be num_data.
[in]blc_xHorizontal limit for bottom-left corner of user-defined range. If non-NULL value is provided, the data having x value less than *blc_x will be ignored. NULL corresponds to no limit.
[in]blc_yVertical limit for bottom-left corner of user-defined range. If non-NULL value is provided, the data having y value less than *blc_y will be ignored. NULL corresponds to no limit.
[in]trc_xHorizontal limit for top-right corner of user-defined range. If non-NULL value is provided, the data having x value greater than *trc_x will be ignored. NULL corresponds to no limit.
[in]trc_yVertical limit for top-right corner of user-defined range. If non-NULL value is provided, the data having y value greater than *trc_y will be ignored. NULL corresponds to no limit.
[out]maskOutput mask. The length must be num_data since mask is associating with each data points provided by x and y. The points near edge will be masked, i.e., mask value will be set to true for those points.
Status code.

◆ sakura_DestroyConvolve1DContextFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_DestroyConvolve1DContextFloat ( struct sakura_Convolve1DContextFloat *  context)

Destroy context for convolution.

[in]contextThe context created by sakura_CreateConvolve1DContextFFTFloat and to be destroyed.
Status code.


◆ sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_DestroyLSQFitContextFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat *  context)

Destroy an object containing model data for least-square fitting.

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat or sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat or sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat .
Status code.


◆ sakura_FlipArrayDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayDouble ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
double const  src[],
double  dst[] 

Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with flipping elements to reorder as some FFT library expects.

When you provide inner_most_untouched = false, elements = {3, 4} and src = {

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,

}, then you will get dst as below.

9, 7, 8,
12, 10, 11,
3, 1, 2,
6, 4, 5,

If inner_most_untouched = true, then you will get dst as below.

7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
[in]inner_most_untouchedIf true, the order of the inner most dimension is untouched.
[in]dimsDimensions of the array src and dst. In other words, the number of elements in elements.
[in]elementsNumbers of elements of each dimension of src and dst with the inner-to-outer order. For example, when you have
float matrix[4][3];
this parameter should be
{ 3, 4 }
[in]srcSource multidimensional array.
[in]dstDestination multidimensional array.
Status code.


◆ sakura_FlipArrayDouble2()

sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayDouble2 ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
double const  src[][2],
double  dst[][2] 

Same as sakura_FlipArrayFloat except the element type of the multidimensional arrays.

◆ sakura_FlipArrayFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_FlipArrayFloat ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
float const  src[],
float  dst[] 

Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with flipping elements to reorder as some FFT library expects.

When you provide inner_most_untouched = false, elements = {3, 4} and src = {

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,

}, then you will get dst as below.

9, 7, 8,
12, 10, 11,
3, 1, 2,
6, 4, 5,

If inner_most_untouched = true, then you will get dst as below.

7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
[in]inner_most_untouchedIf true, the order of the inner most dimension is untouched.
[in]dimsDimensions of the array src and dst. In other words, the number of elements in elements.
[in]elementsNumbers of elements of each dimension of src and dst with the inner-to-outer order. For example, when you have
float matrix[4][3];
this parameter should be
{ 3, 4 }
[in]srcSource multidimensional array.
[in]dstDestination multidimensional array.
Status code.


◆ sakura_GetAlignment()

size_t sakura_GetAlignment ( )

Returns an alignment that Sakura Library expects for arrays on which vector operations are performed.

An expected alignment for arrays marked as must-be-aligned.


◆ sakura_GetLSQCoefficientsDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_GetLSQCoefficientsDouble ( size_t const  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
size_t const  num_model_bases,
double const  basis_data[],
size_t const  num_lsq_bases,
size_t const  use_bases_idx[],
double  lsq_matrix[],
double  lsq_vector[] 

Compute coefficients of simultaneous equations used for Least-Square fitting.

Suppose fitting ( num_data ) discrete data points yi with a linear combination of ( num_model_bases ) bases (ai, bi, ..., ni), which are also given as ( num_data ) discrete points. Assuming the best-fit model is given as (A * ai + B * bi + ... + N * ni), where (A, B, C, ...) are the coefficients to be solved, these values are connected via the following simultaneous equations known as normal equation:

Note that the summation means all the data points except masked ones are to be added. This function computes the coefficients of the above simultaneous equations, i.e., the elements of the matrix at the left side and of the vector at the right side.

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays data and mask, and also the number of elements in each model data (i.e., discrete values of basis function) consisting the entire model. It must be a positive number.
[in]dataInput data with length of num_data .
[in]maskThe input mask data with length of num_data . The i th element of data is included in input data if the i th element of mask is true, while it is excluded from input data if the corresponding element of mask is false.
[in]num_model_basesNumber of model basis functions. It must be in range 0 < num_model_bases <= num_data .
[in]basis_dataA 1D array containing values of all basis functions concatenated. Loop for basis index must be inside of that for data index, i.e., the n -th data of the m -th model should be stored at basis_data [ num_data * (n-1) + (m-1) ]. Its length must be equal to ( num_model_bases * num_data ).
[in]num_lsq_basesThe number of model basis functions to be used in actual fitting. It must be a positive number and must not exceed num_model_bases .
[in]use_bases_idxA 1D array containing indices of basis model that are to be used for fitting. As for fitting types other than sinusoidal, it should be always [0, 1, 2, ..., (num_lsq_bases-1)]. Element values must not be duplicated, and must be in ascending order.
[out]lsq_matrixA 1D array containing the values of a matrix at the left side of simultaneous equations for least-square fitting. Its length should therefore be equal to ( num_lsq_bases * num_lsq_bases ). Loop for columns comes inside that for rows, i.e., the value at the m -th row and n -th column is stored at lsq_matrix [ num_lsq_bases * ( m -1) + ( n -1)], though lsq_matrix is actually symmetric.
[out]lsq_vectorThe values of a vector at the right side of simultaneous equations for least-square fitting. Its length should be equal to num_model_bases .
Status code. sakura_Status_kOK if finished successfully, sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument in case parameters does not meet the above criteria, sakura_Status_kNG in case the number of unmasked data (for which mask is false ) is less than the number of simultaneous equations, and sakura_Status_kUnknownError in case other exceptions emitted internally.


◆ sakura_GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_GetNumberOfCoefficientsFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
uint16_t  order,
size_t *  num_coeff 

Return the number of basis functions used for least-square fitting.

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat or sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat .
[in]orderParameter for the specified function. It is the order (for polynomial and Chebyshev polynomial), or the number of pieces (for cubic spline). It must be positive for cubic spline, while other models accept zero value. The value should not exceed the order specified in creation of context .
[out]num_coeffNumber of basis functions to be used for least-square fitting. This value should be the actual number of normal equations.
Status code.


◆ sakura_GridConvolvingFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_GridConvolvingFloat ( size_t  num_spectra,
size_t  start_spectrum,
size_t  end_spectrum,
bool const  spectrum_mask[],
double const  x[],
double const  y[],
size_t  support,
size_t  sampling,
size_t  num_polarizations,
uint32_t const  polarization_map[],
size_t  num_channels,
uint32_t const  channel_map[],
bool const  mask[],
float const  value[],
float const  weight[],
bool  weight_only,
size_t  num_convolution_table,
float const  convolution_table[],
size_t  num_polarizations_for_grid,
size_t  num_channels_for_grid,
size_t  width,
size_t  height,
double  weight_sum[],
float  weight_of_grid[],
float  grid[] 

Grids data with convolution.

This function plot value from start_spectrum to end_spectrum whose location is at (x , y) onto grid as points which have width represented by convolution_table. The results of 2 * support pixels from the edges of the grids are not reliable due to implementation to gain speed. Polarizations and channels are mapped by polarization_map and channel_map when gridding. All floating-point values passed to this function must not be NaN nor +-Inf.

[in]num_spectraThe number of spectra. It should be 0 <= start_spectrum <= end_spectrum <= num_spectra .
[in]start_spectrumStarting index of spectrum to be processed.
[in]end_spectrumAn index next to the last index of spectrum to be processed.
[in]spectrum_maskMasks to each spectrum. The number of elements must be num_spectra. If a value of element is false, the corresponding spectrum is ignored.
[in]xX position of the point projected to 2D plane of the grid. The number of elements must be num_spectra . Each element must be INT32_MIN < x[i] < INT32_MAX .
[in]yY position of the point projected to 2D plane of the grid. The number of elements must be num_spectra . Each element must be INT32_MIN < y[i] < INT32_MAX .
[in]supportA half width(the number of pixels from center to edge) of convolution kernel on the grid plane of size width x height. It must be 0 < support <= 256 .
Note that this function may cause stack overflow because it allocates memory of a size proportional to support * sampling on stack when support * sampling is too large.
[in]samplingA resolution of convolution kernel(samples/grid aka samples/pixel). It must be 0 < sampling <= INT32_MAX .
[in]num_polarizationsThe number of polarizations. It must be 0 < num_polarizations <= INT32_MAX .
[in]polarization_mapThe number of elements must be num_polarizations. Each element must be in range [0,num_polarizations_for_grid).
[in]num_channelsThe number of channels. It must be 0 < num_channels <= INT32_MAX .
[in]channel_mapThe number of elements must be num_channels. Each element must be in range [0,num_channels_for_grid).
[in]maskMasks to each value . Its memory layout should be [num_spectra][num_polarizations][num_channels]. If a value of element is false, the corresponding combination of the spectrum, polarization and channel is ignored.
[in]valueValues to be gridded. Its memory layout should be [num_spectra][num_polarizations][num_channels].
[in]weightWeights for value. Its memory layout should be [num_spectra][num_channels].
[in]weight_onlyTrue if you want to get a grid of weight itself rather than production of value and weight. Otherwise false.
[in]num_convolution_tableThe number of elements of convolution_table. It should be ceil(sqrt(2.)*(support+1)*sampling) <= num_convolution_table <= INT32_MAX / 32 .
[in]convolution_tableAn array which represents convolution kernel. The number of elements must be num_convolution_table. The first element corresponds to center of the point.
[in]num_polarizations_for_gridThe number of polarizations on the grid. It should be 0 < num_polarizations_for_grid <= INT32_MAX .
[in]num_channels_for_gridThe number of channels on the grid. It should be 0 < num_channels_for_grid <= INT32_MAX .
[in]widthWidth of the grid . It should be 0 < width <= INT32_MAX .
[in]heightHeight of the grid . It should be 0 < height <= INT32_MAX .
[out]weight_sumSum of weights. Its memory layout should be [num_polarizations_for_grid][num_channels_for_grid].
[out]weight_of_gridWeight for each grid. Its memory layout should be [height][width][num_polarizations_for_grid][num_channels_for_grid].
[out]gridThe resulting grid. Its memory layout should be [height][width][num_polarizations_for_grid][num_channels_for_grid].
Status code


◆ sakura_Initialize()

sakura_Status sakura_Initialize ( sakura_UserAllocator  allocator,
sakura_UserDeallocator  deallocator 

Initializes Sakura Library.

You must initialize libsakura by calling this function before calling any other function of Sakura Library.

Without calling sakura_CleanUp() , don't call this function again.

[in]allocatorAn allocator which is used when Sakura Library needs to allocate memory dynamically. posix_memalign(3) is used if NULL is provided. See sakura_UserAllocator .
[in]deallocatorA deallocator which is used when Sakura Library needs to free dynamically allocated memory. free(3) is used if NULL is provided. See sakura_UserDeallocator .
Only when sakura_Status_kOK is returned, you can use Sakura Library.


◆ sakura_InterpolateXAxisFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_InterpolateXAxisFloat ( sakura_InterpolationMethod  interpolation_method,
uint8_t  polynomial_order,
size_t  num_base,
double const  base_position[],
size_t  num_array,
float const  base_data[],
bool const  base_mask[],
size_t  num_interpolated,
double const  interpolated_position[],
float  interpolated_data[],
bool  interpolated_mask[] 

Perform one-dimensional interpolation.

It performs one-dimensional interpolation based on two input arrays base_position and base_data. Size of input array is num_base for base_position and num_interpolated times num_array for base_data, where num_array is a number of arrays that are passed to the function so that interpolation on multiple arrays can be performed simultaneously. One can set boolean mask for base_data using base_mask, which has same array shape as base_data. Mask value is true if data is valid while the value is false if the data is invalid. Invalid data will be excluded from interpolation.

List of locations where interpolated value is evaluated have to be specified via interpolate_position whose length is num_interpolated. Interpolation result on each point specified by interpolate_position is stored to interpolated_data. No extrapolation will be performed. Instead, out of range points are filled by the value of nearest points. Output boolean mask is interpolated_mask. Data will be invalid if corresponding mask is false, i.e., the value is just a nominal one but a result of actual interpolation. The mask will be false when interpolation is skipped due to insufficient number of valid data elements.

The function returns result status. In the successful run, returned value is sakura_Status_kOK while appropriate error status will be returned for failure: sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument for invalid input arguments, sakura_Status_kNoMemory for memory allocation error for internal variables, and sakura_Status_kUnknownError for other unknown error. Possible reason for sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument is either of (1) invalid interpolation_method or (2) arrays are not aligned.

base_position and interpolate_position must be sorted. Also, these arrays should not have duplicate values.
Difference between sakura_InterpolateXAxisFloat and sakura_InterpolateYAxisFloat:
Difference between these two similar functions is a memory layout of base_data and interpolated_data. The former assumes the layout like [num_array][num_base] so that base_data should store the data in the following order,
data0[0], data0[1], ..., data1[0], data1[1], ... 
On the other hand, the latter requires [num_base][num_array], i.e,
data0[0], data1[0], ..., data0[1], data1[1], ... 
Result array, interpolated_data, follows the memory layout required for base_data.
Impact of sort order on performance:
When input arrays, base_position and/or base_data, are sorted in descending order, the arrays are internally reversed in ascending order and then stored in working arrays. Therefore, descending inputs may cause degradation of performance compared with ascending inputs.
Note on polynomial interpolation:
Note that polynomial_order defines maximum order for polynomial interpolation. In other words, it doesn't assure the interpolation to be specified order. For example, suppose that polynomial_order is 2 and num_base is also 2. In this case, effective polynomial order is 1 since we can obtain unique polynomial with order 1, not 2, that passes through given two points. Note also that polynomial_order 0 is equivalent to nearest interpolation.
[in]interpolation_methodInterpolation method.
[in]polynomial_orderMaximum polynomial order for polynomial interpolation. Actual order will be determined by a balance between polynomial_order and num_base. This parameter is effective only when interpolation_method is sakura_InterpolationMethod_kPolynomial . In other interpolation methods, it is ignored.
[in]num_baseNumber of elements for data points. Its value must be greater than 0.
[in]base_positionPosition of data points. Its length must be num_base. It must be sorted either ascending or descending. must-be-aligned
[in]num_arrayNumber of arrays given in base_data.
[in]base_dataValue of data points. Its length must be num_base times num_array. must-be-aligned
[in]base_maskBoolean mask for data. Its length must be num_base times num_array. False points will be excluded from the interpolation must-be-aligned
[in]num_interpolatedNumber of elements for points that wants to get interpolated value.
[in]interpolated_positionLocation of points that wants to get interpolated value. Its length must be num_interpolated. must-be-aligned
[out]interpolated_dataStorage for interpolation result. Its length must be num_interpolated times num_array. must-be-aligned
[out]interpolated_maskBoolean mask for interpolation result. Its length must be num_interpolated times num_array. must-be-aligned
Status code.


◆ sakura_InterpolateYAxisFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_InterpolateYAxisFloat ( sakura_InterpolationMethod  interpolation_method,
uint8_t  polynomial_order,
size_t  num_base,
double const  base_position[],
size_t  num_array,
float const  base_data[],
bool const  base_mask[],
size_t  num_interpolated,
double const  interpolated_position[],
float  interpolated_data[],
bool  interpolated_mask[] 

Perform one-dimensional interpolation.

It performs one-dimensional interpolation based on two input arrays base_position and base_data. Size of input array is num_base for base_position and num_interpolated times num_array for base_data, where num_array is a number of arrays that are passed to the function so that interpolation on multiple arrays can be performed simultaneously. One can set boolean mask for base_data using base_mask, which has same array shape as base_data. Mask value is true if data is valid while the value is false if the data is invalid. Invalid data will be excluded from interpolation.

List of locations where interpolated value is evaluated have to be specified via interpolate_position whose length is num_interpolated. Interpolation result on each point specified by interpolate_position is stored to interpolated_data. No extrapolation will be performed. Instead, out of range points are filled by the value of nearest points. Output boolean mask is interpolated_mask. Data will be invalid if corresponding mask is false, i.e., the value is just a nominal one but a result of actual interpolation. The mask will be false when interpolation is skipped due to insufficient number of valid data elements.

The function returns result status. In the successful run, returned value is sakura_Status_kOK while appropriate error status will be returned for failure: sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument for invalid input arguments, sakura_Status_kNoMemory for memory allocation error for internal variables, and sakura_Status_kUnknownError for other unknown error. Possible reason for sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument is either of (1) invalid interpolation_method or (2) arrays are not aligned.

base_position and interpolate_position must be sorted. Also, these arrays should not have duplicate values.
Difference between sakura_InterpolateXAxisFloat and sakura_InterpolateYAxisFloat:
Difference between these two similar functions is a memory layout of base_data and interpolated_data. The former assumes the layout like [num_array][num_base] so that base_data should store the data in the following order,
data0[0], data0[1], ..., data1[0], data1[1], ... 
On the other hand, the latter requires [num_base][num_array], i.e,
data0[0], data1[0], ..., data0[1], data1[1], ... 
Result array, interpolated_data, follows the memory layout required for base_data.
Impact of sort order on performance:
When input arrays, base_position and/or base_data, are sorted in descending order, the arrays are internally reversed in ascending order and then stored in working arrays. Therefore, descending inputs may cause degradation of performance compared with ascending inputs.
Note on polynomial interpolation:
Note that polynomial_order defines maximum order for polynomial interpolation. In other words, it doesn't assure the interpolation to be specified order. For example, suppose that polynomial_order is 2 and num_base is also 2. In this case, effective polynomial order is 1 since we can obtain unique polynomial with order 1, not 2, that passes through given two points. Note also that polynomial_order 0 is equivalent to nearest interpolation.
[in]interpolation_methodInterpolation method.
[in]polynomial_orderMaximum polynomial order for polynomial interpolation. Actual order will be determined by a balance between polynomial_order and num_base. This parameter is effective only when interpolation_method is sakura_InterpolationMethod_kPolynomial . In other interpolation methods, it is ignored.
[in]num_baseNumber of elements for data points. Its value must be greater than 0.
[in]base_positionPosition of data points. Its length must be num_base. It must be sorted either ascending or descending. must-be-aligned
[in]num_arrayNumber of arrays given in base_data.
[in]base_dataValue of data points. Its length must be num_base times num_array. must-be-aligned
[in]base_maskBoolean mask for data. Its length must be num_base times num_array. False points will be excluded from the interpolation must-be-aligned
[in]num_interpolatedNumber of elements for points that wants to get interpolated value.
[in]interpolated_positionLocation of points that wants to get interpolated value. Its length must be num_interpolated. must-be-aligned
[out]interpolated_dataStorage for interpolation result. Its length must be num_interpolated times num_array. must-be-aligned
[out]interpolated_maskBoolean mask for interpolation result. Its length must be num_interpolated times num_array. must-be-aligned
Status code.


◆ sakura_InvertBool()

sakura_Status sakura_InvertBool ( size_t  num_data,
bool const  data[],
bool  result[] 

Invert a boolean array.

No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataThe input array of of size, num_data.
[out]resultThe output array of of size, num_data. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_IsAligned()

bool sakura_IsAligned ( void const *  ptr)

Checks if ptr points the aligned address Sakura Library requires.

[in]ptrAn address to be checked. NULL is allowed.
true if the address is aligned, otherwise false


◆ sakura_LMFitGaussianFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_LMFitGaussianFloat ( size_t const  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
size_t const  num_peaks,
double  height[],
double  err_height[],
double  center[],
double  err_center[],
double  sigma[],
double  err_sigma[] 

Fit Gaussian to the input data using Levenberg-Marquardt method.

Fit Gaussian to the input data using Levenberg-Marquardt method. The input data can contain multiple Gaussian profiles, however, note that fitting multiple Gaussians at once is quite difficult and thus the results may not be correct.

[in]num_dataNumber of input data. It must be equal to or larger than the number of Gaussian parameters (3 * num_peaks ).
[in]dataThe input data with length of num_data .
[in]maskThe input mask data with length of num_data .
[in]num_peaksNumber of Gaussians to be fitted.
[in,out]heightAn array to store initial guess of Gaussian heights. Its length must be num_peaks and will be overwritten with the fitting results.
[in,out]centerAn array to store initial guess of Gaussian centers. Its length must be num_peaks and will be overwritten with the fitting results.
[in,out]sigmaAn array to store initial guess of Gaussian sigmas. Its length must be num_peaks and will be overwritten with the fitting results.
[out]err_heightAn array to store errors of fitted Gaussian heights. Its length must be num_peaks .
[out]err_centerAn array to store errors of fitted Gaussian centers. Its length must be num_peaks .
[out]err_sigmaAn array to store errors of fitted Gaussian sigmas. Its length must be num_peaks .
Status code.


◆ sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitCubicSplineFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_pieces,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
float  clip_threshold_sigma,
uint16_t  num_fitting_max,
double  coeff[][4],
float  best_fit[],
float  residual[],
bool  final_mask[],
float *  rms,
size_t  boundary[],
sakura_LSQFitStatus lsqfit_status 

Fit a cubic spline curve to input data.

A cubic spline curve is fitted to input data based on Least-Square method. As output, coefficients of bases of the best-fit curve, the best-fit curve value itself and the residuals (i.e., input - best-fit curve) are stored in coeff , best_fit and residual , respectively. If num_fitting_max greater than 1 is given, fitting is executed recursively. Once best-fit curve is subtracted from input data, mean and standard deviation of the residual is computed to update mask so that mask has false value at data points where residual value exceeds threshold defined by clip_threshold_sigma , then Least-Square fitting is again performed to the input data with updated mask to update coeff values. This procedure is repeatedly done for ( num_fitting_max-1 ) times or until the fitting result converges. Once fitting is done, the updated mask information is stored in final_mask .

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat .
[in]num_piecesNumber of spline pieces. It must be positive and also must not exceed the number of spline pieces specified in creation of context .
[in]num_dataNumber of elements in the arrays data , mask , best_fit , residual , and final_mask . It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat to create context .
[in]dataInput data with length of num_data .
[in]maskInput mask data with length of num_data . The i th element of data is included in input spectrum if the i th element of mask is true, while it is excluded from input spectrum if the corresponding element of mask is false.
[in]clip_threshold_sigmaThreshold of clipping in unit of sigma. It must be a positive value.
[in]num_fitting_maxUpper limit of how many times fitting is performed recursively. Before executing the second or later fitting, outlier in data is masked via clipping to be not used. If 1 is given, fitting is done just once and no clipping will be applied. If 0 is given, fitting is not executed and the values of residual should be identical with those of data .
[out]coeffThe coefficients of the best-fit cubic spline curve. It must be a 2D array with type of double[ num_pieces ][4]. coeff[i] is for the i th spline piece from the left side. The first element in each coeff[i] is of constant term, followed by those of first, second, and third orders. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]best_fitThe best-fit curve data, i.e., the result of least-square fitting itself. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to best_fit if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]residualResidual (input - best-fit) data. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to residual if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]final_maskThe final status of mask data after recursive clipping procedure finish. Its length must be num_data . mask can be set to final_mask if users want to overwrite it in-place.
[out]rmsThe root-mean-square of residual .
[out]boundaryA 1D array containing the boundary positions of spline pieces, which are indices of data . Its length must be ( num_pieces +1). The element values will be stored in ascending order. The first element will always be zero, the left edge of the first (left-most) spline piece, while the last element will be num_data , which is the next of the right edge of the last (right-most) spline piece.
[out]lsqfit_statusLSQFit-specific error code.
Status code.


◆ sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitPolynomialFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
uint16_t  order,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
float  clip_threshold_sigma,
uint16_t  num_fitting_max,
size_t  num_coeff,
double  coeff[],
float  best_fit[],
float  residual[],
bool  final_mask[],
float *  rms,
sakura_LSQFitStatus lsqfit_status 

Fit a polynomial curve to input data.

A polynomial or Chebyshev polynomial is fitted to input data based on Least-Square method. As output, coefficients of bases of the best-fit curve, the best-fit curve value itself and the residuals (i.e., input - best-fit curve) are stored in coeff , best_fit and residual , respectively. If num_fitting_max greater than 1 is given, fitting is executed recursively. Once best-fit curve is subtracted from input data, mean and standard deviation of the residual is computed to update mask so that mask has false value at data points where residual value exceeds threshold defined by clip_threshold_sigma , then Least-Square fitting is again performed to the input data with updated mask to update coeff values. This procedure is repeatedly done for ( num_fitting_max-1 ) times or until the fitting result converges. Once fitting is done, the updated mask information is stored in final_mask .

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat .
[in]orderPolynomial order. It should not exceed the order specified in creation of context .
[in]num_dataNumber of elements in the arrays data , mask , best_fit , residual , and final_mask . It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat to create context .
[in]dataInput data with length of num_data .
[in]maskInput mask data with length of num_data . The i th element of data is included in input spectrum if the i th element of mask is true, while it is excluded from input spectrum if the corresponding element of mask is false.
[in]clip_threshold_sigmaThreshold of clipping in unit of sigma. It must be a positive value.
[in]num_fitting_maxUpper limit of how many times fitting is performed recursively. Before executing the second or later fitting, outlier in data is masked via clipping to be not used. If 1 is given, fitting is done just once and no clipping will be applied. If 0 is given, fitting is not executed and the values of residual should be identical with those of data .
[in]num_coeffNumber of elements in the array coeff . In case coeff is not null pointer, it must be equal to ( order +1), while the value is not checked when coeff is null pointer.
[out]coeffCoefficients of the polynomial bases. Its length must be num_coeff . Coefficient values are stored in ascending order of polynomial order: coefficient of constant term comes first, followed by those of first order, second order, and so on. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]best_fitThe best-fit curve data, i.e., the result of least-square fitting itself. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to best_fit if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]residualResidual (input - best-fit) data. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to residual if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]final_maskThe final status of mask data after recursive clipping procedure finish. Its length must be num_data . mask can be set to final_mask if users want to overwrite it in-place.
[out]rmsThe root-mean-square of residual .
[out]lsqfit_statusLSQFit-specific error code.
Status code.


◆ sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_LSQFitSinusoidFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_nwave,
size_t const  nwave[],
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
float  clip_threshold_sigma,
uint16_t  num_fitting_max,
size_t  num_coeff,
double  coeff[],
float  best_fit[],
float  residual[],
bool  final_mask[],
float *  rms,
sakura_LSQFitStatus lsqfit_status 

Fit a sinusoidal curve to input data.

A sinusoidal curve is fitted to input data based on Least-Square method. As output, coefficients of bases of the best-fit curve, the best-fit curve value itself and the residuals (i.e., input - best-fit curve) are stored in coeff , best_fit and residual , respectively. If num_fitting_max greater than 1 is given, fitting is executed recursively. Once best-fit curve is subtracted from input data, mean and standard deviation of the residual is computed to update mask so that mask has false value at data points where residual value exceeds threshold defined by clip_threshold_sigma , then Least-Square fitting is again performed to the input data with updated mask to update coeff values. This procedure is repeatedly done for ( num_fitting_max-1 ) times or until the fitting result converges. Once fitting is done, the updated mask information is stored in final_mask .

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat .
[in]num_nwaveThe number of elements in the array nwave .
[in]nwaveWave numbers within the index range of data to be used for sinusoidal fitting. The values must be positive or zero (for constant term), but not exceed the maximum wave number specified in creation of context . The values must be stored in ascending order and must not be duplicate.
[in]num_dataNumber of elements in the arrays data , mask , best_fit , residual , and final_mask . It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat to create context .
[in]dataInput data with length of num_data .
[in]maskInput mask data with length of num_data . The i th element of data is included in input spectrum if the i th element of mask is true, while it is excluded from input spectrum if the corresponding element of mask is false.
[in]clip_threshold_sigmaThreshold of clipping in unit of sigma. It must be a positive value.
[in]num_fitting_maxUpper limit of how many times fitting is performed recursively. Before executing the second or later fitting, outlier in data is masked via clipping to be not used. If 1 is given, fitting is done just once and no clipping will be applied. If 0 is given, fitting is not executed and the values of residual should be identical with those of data .
[in]num_coeffThe number of elements in the array coeff. If coeff is not null pointer, it must be ( num_nwave*2-1 ) or ( num_nwave*2 ) in cases nwave contains zero or not, respectively, and must not exceed num_data, while the value is not checked when coeff is null pointer.
[out]coeffCoefficients of the sinusoidal fit. Its length must be num_coeff . If nwave contains zero, the first element is of the constant term. If not, the first and the second elements are for sine and cosine terms for the smallest wave number in nwave, respectively. Coefficients of sine and cosine terms for the second-smallest wave number come next, and so on. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]best_fitThe best-fit curve data, i.e., the result of least-square fitting itself. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to best_fit if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]residualResidual (input - best-fit) data. Its length must be num_data . data can be set to residual if users want to overwrite it in-place. Null pointer can be given in case users do not need this value.
[out]final_maskThe final status of mask data after recursive clipping procedure finish. Its length must be num_data . mask can be set to final_mask if users want to overwrite it in-place.
[out]rmsThe root-mean-square of residual .
[out]lsqfit_statusLSQFit-specific error code.
Status code.


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint32 ( uint32_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation AND between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] & bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke material nonimplication of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke material nonimplication. For details of material nonimplication, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseAndUint8 ( uint8_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation AND between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] & bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke material nonimplication of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke material nonimplication. For details of material nonimplication, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint32 ( uint32_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation, Converse Nonimplication, between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to the i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (~data[i] & bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise NOR operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise NOR operation. For details of bitwise NOR operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseConverseNonImplicationUint8 ( uint8_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation, Converse Nonimplication, between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to the i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (~data[i] & bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise NOR operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise NOR operation. For details of bitwise NOR operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint32 ( uint32_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation, Material Implication, between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to the i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (~data[i] | bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise NAND operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise NAND operation. For details of bitwise NAND operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseImplicationUint8 ( uint8_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation, Material Implication, between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to the i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (~data[i] | bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise NAND operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise NAND operation. For details of bitwise NAND operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint32 ( size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bitwise NOT operation of an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? ~data[i] : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked to this array.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation to data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseNotUint8 ( size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bitwise NOT operation of an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? ~data[i] : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked to this array.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation to data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint32 ( uint32_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation OR between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] | bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke converse implication of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke converse implication. For details of converse implication, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseOrUint8 ( uint8_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation OR between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] | bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke converse implication of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke converse implication. For details of converse implication, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint32()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint32 ( uint32_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint32_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation XOR between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] ^ bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise XNOR operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise XNOR operation. For details of bitwise XNOR operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint8()

sakura_Status sakura_OperateBitwiseXorUint8 ( uint8_t  bit_mask,
size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool const  edit_mask[],
uint8_t  result[] 

Invoke bit operation XOR between a bit mask and an array.

Invokes the following bit operation to i- th element of result :

result [i] = edit_mask[i] ? (data[i] ^ bit_mask) : data[i]
No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
The function can also be used to invoke bitwise XNOR operation of data and bit_mask . Input the complement of bit_mask (~bit_mask ) to invoke bitwise XNOR operation. For details of bitwise XNOR operation, see, e.g.,
[in]bit_maskA bit mask. The bit operation is invoked between this value and the array, data.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data, edit_mask, and result.
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. The bit operation is invoked between this array and bit_mask.
[in]edit_maskA boolean mask array of size, num_data. The bit operation is skipped for the elements with the value, false.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data. It stores the result of the bit operation between bit_mask and data. The bit operation is skipped and the value in array, data, is adopted for the elements where corresponding elements in edit_mask is false. The pointer of out is allowed to be equal to that of in (result == data), indicating in-place operation.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetFalseIfNanOrInfFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetFalseIfNanOrInfFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool  result[] 

Sets false if the values in the input array (data ) are either NaN or infinity.

Elements of the output array are set to false if the corresponding element in the input array is not a number (NaN) or infinity. Otherwise, they are set to true.

No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataThe input array of of size, num_data.
[out]resultThe output array of of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is greater than a threshold,

data[i] > threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
int  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is greater than a threshold,

data[i] > threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than or equal to a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is greater than or equals to a threshold,

data[i] >= threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfGreaterThanOrEqualsInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
int  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are greater than or equal to a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is greater than or equals to a threshold,

data[i] >= threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
size_t  num_condition,
float const  lower_bounds[],
float const  upper_bounds[],
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (exclusive).

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is in range of upper and lower boundary pairs,

lower_bound[k] < data[i] < upper_bound[k] ,

otherwise they are set to false.

The function takes more than one upper and lower boundary pairs as arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
All elements in result are set to false when no condition is given, i.e., num_condition = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]num_conditionThe number of elements in the arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.
[in]lower_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]upper_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesExclusiveInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
size_t  num_condition,
int const  lower_bounds[],
int const  upper_bounds[],
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (exclusive).

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is in range of upper and lower boundary pairs,

lower_bound[k] < data[i] < upper_bound[k] ,

otherwise they are set to false.

The function takes more than one upper and lower boundary pairs as arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
All elements in result are set to false when no condition is given, i.e., num_condition = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]num_conditionThe number of elements in the arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.
[in]lower_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]upper_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
size_t  num_condition,
float const  lower_bounds[],
float const  upper_bounds[],
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (inclusive).

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is in range of upper and lower boundary pairs,

lower_bound[k] <= data[i] <= upper_bound[k] ,

otherwise they are set to false.

The function takes more than one upper and lower boundary pairs as arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
All elements in result are set to false when no condition is given, i.e., num_condition = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result .
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]num_conditionThe number of elements in the arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.
[in]lower_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]upper_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfInRangesInclusiveInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
size_t  num_condition,
int const  lower_bounds[],
int const  upper_bounds[],
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in an input array (data ) are in any of specified range (inclusive).

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is in range of upper and lower boundary pairs,

lower_bound[k] <= data[i] <= upper_bound[k] ,

otherwise they are set to false.

The function takes more than one upper and lower boundary pairs as arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
All elements in result are set to false when no condition is given, i.e., num_condition = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result .
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]num_conditionThe number of elements in the arrays, lower_bounds and upper_bounds.
[in]lower_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]upper_boundsThe input array of size, num_condition. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is less than a threshold,

data[i] < threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
int  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is less than a threshold,

data[i] < threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsFloat ( size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
float  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than or equal to a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is less than or equals to a threshold,

data[i] <= threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsInt()

sakura_Status sakura_SetTrueIfLessThanOrEqualsInt ( size_t  num_data,
int const  data[],
int  threshold,
bool  result[] 

Sets true if the values in the input array (data ) are less than or equal to a threshold.

Elements of the output array are set to true if the corresponding element in the input array is less than or equals to a threshold,

data[i] <= threshold ,

otherwise they are set to false.

No evaluation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataAn input array of size, num_data. In case the array is floating-point type, the elements should not contain Inf nor NaN.
[in]thresholdThe threshold of evaluation. In case the parameter is floating-point type, the value should not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]resultThe output array of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_SolveSimultaneousEquationsByLUDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_SolveSimultaneousEquationsByLUDouble ( size_t  num_equations,
double const  in_matrix[],
double const  in_vector[],
double  out[] 

Solve simultaneous equations via LU decomposition.

Suppose solving simultaneous equations A x = y to derive x, where A is a square matrix of num_equations rows and columns, and x and y are vectors with length of num_equations . Given A and y values, this function computes x values using LU decomposition of A.

[in]num_equationsNumber of equations.
[in]in_matrixA 1D array containing values of the matrix A in the left side of the above simultaneous equations. Loop for columns comes inside that for rows, i.e., the value at the m -th row and n -th column is stored at in_matrix [ num_equations * ( m -1) + ( n -1)]. Its length must be (num_equations * num_equations).
[in]in_vectorA 1D array containing values of the vector y in the right side of the above simultaneous equations. Its length must be num_equations .
[out]outThe solution (x in the above equations). Its length must be num_equations .
Status code.


◆ sakura_SortValidValuesDenselyFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SortValidValuesDenselyFloat ( size_t  num_data,
bool const  is_valid[],
float  data[],
size_t *  new_num_data 

Sorts only valid data in ascending order.

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and is_valid .
[in]is_validMasks of data. If a value of element is false, the corresponding element in data is ignored.
[in,out]dataData to be sorted. Since data is sorted in place, contents of this array are not preserved. If corresponding element in is_valid is true, the element in data must not be Inf nor NaN.
[out]new_num_dataThe number of sorted elements that don't include invalid data( <= num_data ) is stored here.
Status code


◆ sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SubtractCubicSplineFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
size_t  num_pieces,
double const  coeff[][4],
size_t const  boundary[],
float  out[] 

Subtract best-fit cubic spline model from input data.

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat .
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and out . It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextCubicSplineFloat to create context .
[in]dataThe input data with length of num_data .
[in]num_piecesThe number of spline pieces. If zero is given, no subtraction executed.
[in]coeffCoefficients of cubic spline curve. It must be a 2D array with type of double[ num_pieces ][4]. coeff[i] is for the i th spline piece from the left side. The first element in each coeff[i] must be of constant term, followed by the ones of first, second, and third orders.
[in]boundaryA 1D array containing the boundary positions, which are indices of parameters data and out , of spline pieces. Its length must be ( num_pieces +1). The element values should be stored in ascending order. The first element must always be zero, the left edge of the first (left-most) spline piece, while the last element must be num_data , which is the next of the right edge of the last (right-most) spline piece.
[out]outThe output data. Its length must be num_data .
Status code.


◆ sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SubtractPolynomialFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
size_t  num_coeff,
double const  coeff[],
float  out[] 

Subtract best-fit polynomial model from input data.

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat .
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and out. It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextPolynomialFloat to create context .
[in]dataThe input data with length of num_data .
[in]num_coeffThe number of elements in coeff . It must be in range (0 < num_coeff <= order+1 ), where order is the polynomial or Chebyshev polynomial order specified in creation of context .
[in]coeffCoefficients of model data. Its length must be num_coeff. Its first element must be of constant term, followed by those of first order, second order, and so on.
[out]outThe output data. Its length must be num_data .
Status code.


◆ sakura_SubtractSinusoidFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_SubtractSinusoidFloat ( struct sakura_LSQFitContextFloat const *  context,
size_t  num_data,
float const  data[],
size_t  num_nwave,
size_t const  nwave[],
size_t  num_coeff,
double const  coeff[],
float  out[] 

Subtract best-fit sinusoidal model from input data.

[in]contextA context created by sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat .
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in data and out. It must be equal to num_data which was given to sakura_CreateLSQFitContextSinusoidFloat to create context .
[in]dataThe input data with length of num_data .
[in]num_nwaveThe number of elements in the array nwave .
[in]nwaveWave numbers within the index range of data to be used for sinusoidal fitting. The values must be positive or zero (for constant term), but not exceed the maximum wave number specified in creation of context . The values must be stored in ascending order and must not be duplicate.
[in]num_coeffThe number of elements in coeff . It must be in range (0 < num_coeff <= num_model_bases ), where num_model_bases is ( num_nwave*2-1 ) or ( num_nwave*2 ) in cases nwave contains zero or not, respectively. Also it must not exceed num_data .
[in]coeffCoefficients of model data. Its length must be num_coeff. If nwave contains zero, the first element must be of the constant term. If not, the first and the second elements are for sine and cosine terms for the smallest wave number in nwave, respectively. Coefficients of sine and cosine terms for the second-smallest wave number come next, and so on.
[out]outThe output data. Its length must be num_data .
Status code.


◆ sakura_Uint32ToBool()

sakura_Status sakura_Uint32ToBool ( size_t  num_data,
uint32_t const  data[],
bool  result[] 

Convert an input array to a boolean array.

Returns true if the corresponding element in input array != 0.

No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataThe input array of of size, num_data.
[out]resultThe output array of of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_Uint8ToBool()

sakura_Status sakura_Uint8ToBool ( size_t  num_data,
uint8_t const  data[],
bool  result[] 

Convert an input array to a boolean array.

Returns true if the corresponding element in input array != 0.

No operation is done when the data array is zero length, i.e., num_data = 0.
[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the arrays, data and result
[in]dataThe input array of of size, num_data.
[out]resultThe output array of of size, num_data.
Status code


◆ sakura_UnflipArrayDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayDouble ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
double const  src[],
double  dst[] 

Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with unflipping elements to the original order.

When you provide inner_most_untouched = false, elements = {3, 4} and src = {

9, 7, 8,
12, 10, 11,
3, 1, 2,
6, 4, 5,

}, then you will get dst as below.

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
[in]inner_most_untouchedIf true, the order of the inner most dimension is untouched.
[in]dimsDimensions of the array src and dst. In other words, the number of elements in elements.
[in]elementsNumbers of elements of each dimension of src and dst with the inner-to-outer order. For example, when you have
float matrix[4][3];
this parameter should be
{ 3, 4 }
[in]srcSource multidimensional array.
[in]dstDestination multidimensional array.
Status code.


◆ sakura_UnflipArrayDouble2()

sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayDouble2 ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
double const  src[][2],
double  dst[][2] 

Same as sakura_UnflipArrayFloat except the element type of the multidimensional arrays.

◆ sakura_UnflipArrayFloat()

sakura_Status sakura_UnflipArrayFloat ( bool  inner_most_untouched,
size_t  dims,
size_t const  elements[],
float const  src[],
float  dst[] 

Copy elements in the src array into the dst array with unflipping elements to the original order.

When you provide inner_most_untouched = false, elements = {3, 4} and src = {

9, 7, 8,
12, 10, 11,
3, 1, 2,
6, 4, 5,

}, then you will get dst as below.

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
[in]inner_most_untouchedIf true, the order of the inner most dimension is untouched.
[in]dimsDimensions of the array src and dst. In other words, the number of elements in elements.
[in]elementsNumbers of elements of each dimension of src and dst with the inner-to-outer order. For example, when you have
float matrix[4][3];
this parameter should be
{ 3, 4 }
[in]srcSource multidimensional array.
[in]dstDestination multidimensional array.
Status code.


◆ sakura_UpdateLSQCoefficientsDouble()

sakura_Status sakura_UpdateLSQCoefficientsDouble ( size_t const  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  mask[],
size_t const  num_exclude_indices,
size_t const  exclude_indices[],
size_t const  num_model_bases,
double const  basis_data[],
size_t const  num_lsq_bases,
size_t const  use_bases_idx[],
double  lsq_matrix[],
double  lsq_vector[] 

Compute coefficients of simultaneous equations used for Least-Square fitting.

This function updates the coefficients of normal equation for LSQ fitting created by sakura_GetLSQCoefficientsDouble , by subtracting values corresponding to data points which have been used in the previous calculation but not this time. This is faster than newly calculating coefficients if the number of points to be excluded this time is less than half of those previously used.

[in]num_dataThe number of elements in the array data and the number of elements in each model data (i.e., discrete values of basis function) consisting the entire model. It must be a positive number.
[in]dataInput data with length of num_data .
[in]maskThe input mask data with length of num_data . The i th element of data is included in input data if the i th element of mask is true, while it is excluded from input data if the corresponding element of mask is false.
[in]num_exclude_indicesThe number of data points to be excluded this time. The range of allowed value is between 0 and num_data .
[in]exclude_indicesAn array containing indices of data points (the row index of basis_data ) to be excluded this time. The indices must be stored in the first num_exclude_indices elements. Its length should be num_exclude_indices .
[in]num_model_basesNumber of model basis functions. It must be in range 0 < num_model_bases <= num_data .
[in]basis_dataA 1D array containing values of all basis functions concatenated. Loop for basis index must be inside of that for data index, i.e., the n -th data of the m -th model should be stored at basis_data [ num_data * (n-1) + (m-1) ]. Its length must be equal to ( num_model_bases * num_data ).
[in]num_lsq_basesThe number of model basis functions to be used in actual fitting. It must be in range 0 < num_lsq_bases <= num_model_bases.
[in]use_bases_idxA 1D array containing indices of basis model that are to be used for fitting. As for fitting types other than sinusoidal, it should be always [0, 1, 2, ..., (num_lsq_bases-1)]. Element values must be in ascending order.
[in,out]lsq_matrixA 1D array containing the values of a matrix at the left side of simultaneous equations for least-square fitting. Its length should therefore be equal to ( num_lsq_bases * num_lsq_bases ). Loop for columns comes inside that for rows, i.e., the value at the m -th row and n -th column is stored at lsq_matrix [ num_lsq_bases * ( m -1) + ( n -1)], though lsq_matrix is actually symmetric.
[in,out]lsq_vectorThe values of a vector at the right side of simultaneous equations for least-square fitting. Its length should be equal to num_lsq_bases .
Status code. sakura_Status_kOK if finished successfully, sakura_Status_kInvalidArgument in case parameters does not meet the above criteria, and sakura_Status_kUnknownError in case other exceptions emitted internally.
Users must be careful in using this function about which and how many data are to be excluded not to fall into destructive cases that the number of used data becomes less than num_model_bases or not to exclude the same data in duplicate.
